30 January 2020

2019 was a bumper year for BV

We’re pleased to announce a bumper year for Bennett Verby and our clients in 2019. Bernard Verby, our CEO, commended the team for their hard work and dedication:

“We’re absolutely delighted to have saved our clients over £10 million in tax in 2019. We’ve had a tremendously strong year, which has been reflected in our own results as well as those of our clients.”

During 2019, our headcount increased by 20%, including doubling the size of the tax team to strengthen the company’s specialist tax offering. We also welcomed new recruits in our Payroll and Audit departments, as well as a new apprentice this month to kick off the 2020 intake. Bernard continued:

“We’re expecting good things for 2020. Business in the UK experienced a turbulent 2019, due to ongoing Brexit negotiations and other economic factors, so we’re delighted that our clients have bucked the trend and, for the most part, weathered the storm. We’re looking forward to providing advice and support to our clients in 2020 to help them build on their successes.”

Bernard noted that the suppressed spending and decline in business investment of 2019 is not likely to change in early 2020, but that businesses need tangible movement in order to succeed.

“To help our clients continue to prosper, we need to look at future-proofing, whether it encompasses exit planning for some of our long-standing clients, to expansion plans and fundraising for start-ups.”

Although Bennett Verby provides advice to companies of all sizes and in all sectors, Bernard said there are some trends in the type of work being carried out:

“We’re also expecting a busy year for specialist Research & Development tax advice. While R&D tax relief can be claimed by companies in all sectors, we’re especially looking to help businesses who are working towards their own green initiatives and environmental targets set by the government.”

For more information, call us on 0161 476 9000 or use the contact form below.