03 February 2020

Congratulations to Shannon Jones, our latest qualified apprentice

In a timely announcement during National Apprenticeship Week, we would like to congratulate Shannon Jones on passing her apprenticeship in Business Administration.

During her first year at Bennett Verby, Shannon took the opportunity to get to know the business as a whole, looking at systems and processes and considering where she might like her next steps to lead.

Shannon said,

I’ve enjoyed working at Bennett Verby as I’ve had the chance to look at all the departments and decide where I’d like to work in the future. Working in a big company has given me the chance to think about where my career is heading.

Director Adam Rhodes, who is responsible for training and development at Bennett Verby, said,

We are really pleased that Shannon has passed her apprenticeship. We are sure Shannon will have a bright future in whichever career path she chooses, and we will continue to support her here at Bennett Verby.

Adam continued:

Taking on apprentices is always rewarding for our teams and the company, and together we have fostered a culture of inclusion and engagement. It’s our responsibility to help our apprentices grow in confidence and ability.

Bennett Verby CEO, Bernard Verby commented,

Training and apprenticeships have been part of the business plan at Bennett Verby for many years, and part of the company culture for even longer than that. We’re not just taking on apprentices for our benefit; we’re investing in the future of business skills in Stockport and Bennett Verby are proud to be a leader in that field.

We are now looking for another apprentice in our administration department. For more information, or to apply, contact Damar Training on 0161 480 8171 or visit our Careers page.

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Company Reg No. 8936792 Registered in England and Wales | VAT No. 186 9527 51
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